
CDP with dedicated services

The platform and services have no limits, each account gets one active request at a time. If the request is changed in-flight a one week holding pattern applies.

Customer Data Platform

Connect unlimited platforms by pushing and pulling data in realtime according to your specific business procces.


Company wide digital conferences, zoom meetings, system wide software architecure design and roadmap.


Platform specific development ( salesforce ) and development of CDP functions for smart supervised platform integrations.


24/7 AI based system-wide monitoring with anomaly machine learnings models + business hours ( CST ) direct technical support.


$499per Monthplus$200per hour
( 10 / month minimum )

  • Unlimited platforms
  • Enterprise Database
  • Unlimited Users
  • Api & Admin UI
  • Unlimited Records
  • Cancel Anytime
All data and code is property of the customer and can be exported

White-Labeled and Multi-Org Versions

JungleDynamics can spin-off a new platform with a complete white labeled experience for ventures that need an integration platform but don't have the expertise or time to develop one. It's also an an option for large enterprise customers or entrepreneurs with several projects that want to consolidate their operations at a lower cost.

Accounts @ 50% discount

Additional accounts are billed at 50% of the cost of normal accounts, each with unlimited storage and data transfer.

Shared Costs

The owner of the master account has the option to organize their ideas into multi-account requests be billed only once.

Code Sharing

Share code between all accounts, us the JD Dashboard to select which programs should be shared among all accounts and presto.

Multi-Tenant Consulting

Customers that select the Multi-Account version require a different level of training, planning and support.